I've changed my Nana's original Southern carrot slaw recipe to be a little healthier, but it's still quick, easy, and delicious! Sometimes, instead of...
This vinegar-based slaw is an easy way to start a meal. Very refreshing in the summer! Pairs great with fish, dishes with avocado, and Central and South...
This is a different twist on coleslaw that goes over really well. It is based on a recipe I found in a cookbook but I found it was much simpler to make...
Artisan coleslaw has become a passion of mine recently. Celery root adds a unique taste and a plethora of health benefits. As does the apple cider vinaigrette,...
This is not a sweet or mayo-heavy slaw. The dressing is creamy and rich and the sunflower seeds give it a great crunchy heartiness. Men who hate veggies...
This is a very light yet amazingly tasty coleslaw. Instead of usual mayo this version uses Greek yogurt and the taste doesn't suffer in the least. Very...
This is the coleslaw recipe from the Brookville Hotel, formerly in Brookville, Kansas. They have since relocated to Abilene. It's easy to take to a potluck,...
This is also called a French cabbage salad. It is a wonderful way to serve cabbage. Skip the garlic, use cider vinegar, and it becomes a German cabbage...
This is also called a French cabbage salad. It is a wonderful way to serve cabbage. Skip the garlic, use cider vinegar, and it becomes a German cabbage...
A crisp 'no-mayo' coleslaw that is great for potlucks. I have used honey-roasted peanuts and have used sunflower seeds. The honey-roasted peanuts taste...
A simple coleslaw without mayonnaise marinates in a sweet and tangy dressing and is served cold. It's easy to make because you use a bag of shredded cabbage....
This salad consists of green cabbage, onions, cilantro, tomatoes, bacon bits, almonds, and sesame oil. This is a favorite of everyone I make it for, and...
This is also called a French cabbage salad. It is a wonderful way to serve cabbage. Skip the garlic, use cider vinegar, and it becomes a German cabbage...
This cold chicken coleslaw salad is wonderful, because you prepare it ahead of time and mix it up just before serving. It's also an easy salad to travel...
A simple coleslaw without mayonnaise marinates in a sweet and tangy dressing and is served cold. It's easy to make because you use a bag of shredded cabbage....
Are you tired of the same coleslaw? Try this colorful cabbage salad without mayonnaise, but instead, uses your freshly made fig-Dijon salad dressing. Don't...
This is not for the weak stomach; this spicy slaw is a nice addition when you want to add a side dish with an Asian flair. Refrigerate salad for at least...
This cold chicken coleslaw salad is wonderful, because you prepare it ahead of time and mix it up just before serving. It's also an easy salad to travel...
This recipe was given me by my aunt, who loves Mediterranean cooking. A delicious, refreshing salad made from shredded cabbage and a dressing made from...
This recipe was given me by my aunt, who loves Mediterranean cooking. A delicious, refreshing salad made from shredded cabbage and a dressing made from...
This is not for the weak stomach; this spicy slaw is a nice addition when you want to add a side dish with an Asian flair. Refrigerate salad for at least...
This is not for the weak stomach; this spicy slaw is a nice addition when you want to add a side dish with an Asian flair. Refrigerate salad for at least...
Bok choy is in the cabbage family, and is very popular in China. In this recipe, it is shredded to resemble a coleslaw, but that is where the resemblance...
Bok choy is in the cabbage family, and is very popular in China. In this recipe, it is shredded to resemble a coleslaw, but that is where the resemblance...
Coleslaw made up and put in the freezer. Easy to take out and thaw when you need it in a hurry. It does have a crunch to it and a sweet-sour vinegar based...
This is not for the weak stomach; this spicy slaw is a nice addition when you want to add a side dish with an Asian flair. Refrigerate salad for at least...
This is also called a French cabbage salad. It is a wonderful way to serve cabbage. Skip the garlic, use cider vinegar, and it becomes a German cabbage...